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Attached is the flyer for the 2023-2023 Cheyenne Mountain Wrestling Club Season

2023-2023 Cheyenne Mountain Wrestling Club Season Flyer

2023-2024 CMWC Wrestling Season

Hello All,


We will begin another year of Wrestling with the Cheyenne Mountain Wrestling Club for the 2023-2024 Season.

Please be on the lookout this week for an email regarding dates for the Parent Meeting and the First Day of Practice. 

If you are not currently on our Club Email Distribution and would like to be, please reach out to and we will get you added!

Please navigate our programs website, for further information.


CMWC Information



USA Wrestling Card:

You must have a USA Wrestling Card for your son or daughter before you are allowed to practice! This is who our insurance policy is through, so your athlete will not be allowed to step on the mat until you have one. You should all print out the card once you have it, as you will have to show the front desk workers at every Peak 2 Peak Tournament before you will be allowed to compete. I will also go through and print out all wrestlers cards that have gone through and affiliated themselves with Cheyenne Mountain Wrestling Club. Our first practice I will have a copy of every wrestlers USA Wrestling Card, and I really don't want to have to tell anyone that they aren't allowed to practice because they don't have it! The USA Wrestling Card can be acquired at Thank you very much for your time, and as always please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Cheyenne Mountain Wrestling consists of three programs.  The first program is Cheyenne Mountain Wrestling Club, which consists of boys and girls from Kindergarten through Eighth Grade.  The second program is Cheyenne Mountain Junior High, which consists of wrestlers from Sixth through Eighth Grade.  The final program is Cheyenne Mountain High School, which consists of wrestlers from Ninth through Twelfth Grade.  Each program is independent from one another, yet all programs work together for the advancement of Cheyenne Mountain Wrestling.  In this website, you will find all the information that you need to get your son involved in one of our programs.  In addition, you will find all the information that you need to stay informed throughout the season.  Good luck this year and thank you for being part of the Cheyenne Mountain Family.

Mission Statement

Cheyenne Mountain Wrestling Club develops young wrestlers in positive, safe, character-based programs.  The focus is on improving individual abilities and personal skills, being an encouraging teammate, making new friends, promoting a healthy lifestyle, and having fun.

Cheyenne Mountain Wrestling Club is an IRS Approved 501 {c}{3} Organization